Sklerosis Multipel: Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana


  • Jimmy Christianto Suryo RSU Permata Husada, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Neurodegeneratif, sklerosis multipel, tatalaksana


Sklerosis multipel adalah lesi multipel sistem saraf pusat akibat rusaknya selubung mielin yang membungkus akson. Penyakit ini termasuk penyakit neurodegeneratif bersifat progresif dan relaps, sering mengenai wanita dewasa muda, memerlukan penanganan komprehensif dan sistematis. Penyebab penyakit belum diketahui pasti, diduga berkaitan dengan faktor infeksi virus atau proses autoimun atau genetik. Manifestasi klinisnya bervariasi. Kriteria diagnosis terbaru didasarkan pada Kriteria McDonald tahun 2017. Tatalaksana mencegah relaps dan progresivitas menggunakan corticosteroid, imunosupresan, imunomodulator, plasmapheresis (pertukaran plasma), atau DMAMS (Disease-Modifying Agent for Multiple Sclerosis), atau stem cell therapy. Prognosis tergantung komplikasi, progresivitas penyakit, dan pilihan terapi.

Multiple sclerosis is multiple lesions of the central nervous system due to damage to the axons’ myelin sheaths. This neurodegenerative disease is progressive and relapsing, often affecting young adult women, requiring comprehensive and systematic management. It is thought to be related to viral infection factors or autoimmune or genetic processes. The clinical manifestations are not typical depending on the brain lesion and disease progression. The latest diagnosis criteria are based on the 2017 McDonald Criteria. Management are to prevent relapse and progression using corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, plasmapharesis (plasma exchange), or DMAMS (Disease-Modifying Agent For Multiple Sclerosis), or stem cell therapy. Prognosis depends on the complications, disease progression, and appropriate treatment options.


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How to Cite

Suryo, J. C. (2021). Sklerosis Multipel: Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 48(8), 296–303.