Publication Ethics

Cermin Dunia Kedokteran (CDK) is a journal with e-ISSN: 2503-2770, and p-ISSN: 0125-913X which is available in online form and published regularly once a month. About the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publication sourced from COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in dealing with all aspects of publication ethics, and in particular how to handle cases of research and publication errors. This statement describes the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in the CDK journal.

Ethical Guidelines for Journal Publication
Scientific publication of a scientific article is the result of the work of thought of a person or group of people, after going through scientific review, disseminated in the form of scientific papers, including journals, books, proceedings, research reports, papers and scientific posters. And is a reflection of the quality of the scientific papers of the author and the institution where the author works. Therefore, it is important to convey ethical standards for all parties involved in the publishing process: journal editors, authors, bestary partners, publishers and the public.
All of the tools involved in the publication of Cermin Dunia Kedokteran (CDK) perform the task of overseeing all stages of publishing as well as possible, regarding ethics and our other responsibilities. We are committed and ensure that advertisements, reprints or other matters do not impact or influence the decisions of the Editorial Board. In addition, the Editorial Board will always communicate with authors and parties related to the publication.

Code of Ethics for Editors
The Editorial Board of Cermin Dunia Kedokteran (CDK) determines the publication process and integrates the functions of authors, bestary partners, and journal managers to publish papers based on scientific and ethical principles. The editorial board responds to criticisms, suggestions, and objections from authors in an honest and transparent manner. The editorial team also maintains the independence of the journal from pure commercialization considerations and strives for the journal to remain a classy journal in its field. Editors work based on the following principles and ethical standards.
1. Responsible for the choice of journal content and always strive for continuous quality improvement.
2. Obliged to make writing guidelines for authors.
3. Critically evaluate that the papers are free from ethical violations, honest and objective, independent, judging each on quality without regard to the author's nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation, and free from prejudice in making decisions including in choosing bestary partners.
4. Ensure that the review process is thorough, transparent, objective and fair.
5. Ensure the eligibility of the selected bestary partners in accordance with their competence. The bestary partner members selected are those who can consider the paper and have no conflict of interest.

6. Rejecting papers without a review process if they do not fit the scope of the journal or are of low quality, but not because of the author's background or institutional affiliation.
7. Strive to ensure that published research complies with LIPI's code of ethics for scientific publications and relevant international guidelines.

Code of Ethics for Bestary Partners

A bestary partner is someone who helps the editor to critically review the substance of scientific papers in accordance with their field of expertise, so that bestary partners play a very important role in the scientific publication process. Bestary partners work based on the following principles and ethical standards.
1. Demanded to be honest, objective, unbiased, independent, and only in favor of scientific truth.
2. Must be critical in assessing the content of a paper in accordance with their field of expertise, be open about novelty, maintain the substance being assessed, not take personal advantage of the paper being assessed, and be eager to improve the paper being reviewed.
3. Assist the editor in determining which papers can be published and help authors to improve the quality of their papers.
4. Always adhere to the basic principles and scientific analysis in the process of reviewing a paper.

5. The review results are presented honestly, objectively and supported by clear arguments. Some possible recommendations of the review results: (i) accepted without improvement or accepted with minor improvement (after improvement by the author, no need to return to the bestary partner), (ii) accepted with improvement (after improvement by the author, return to the bestary partner for re-review), (iii) rejected and recommended to be published elsewhere as appropriate, (iv) rejected and recommended not to be published anywhere because the work is scientifically flawed or has a detrimental impact on users / society.
6. Not to utilize the reviewed paper for personal or third party interests. The use of part of the content of the paper under review has been authorized by the author. The paper under review must not be disseminated.

Code of Ethics for Authors
The author of a scientific journal is one of the most important contributions in a journal, which expresses the results of his thoughts and / or research and development in the form of written works that have met the requirements of scientific and ethical rules for dissemination. The author expresses ideas or research results based on the requirements of scientific principles and ethical standards as follows.
1. Responsible personally and collectively for the work and content of the article if related to research which includes methods, analysis, calculations and details.
2. Make a statement that the paper submitted for publication is original, has never been published anywhere in any language, and is not in the process of submission to another publisher. If there is an error in the paper, the author should immediately notify the editor or publisher.
3. Ensure that the names listed as authors including the order are in accordance with the order of their contributions and are approved by all members. If there is a change, reduction, or addition to the author's name, it must first be agreed upon by the other authors. The author ensures that all parties who contribute non-substantively to the paper are acknowledged.

4. Inform the editor if you want to withdraw the paper.
5. Inform the editor about papers that are part of a phased, multidisciplinary and different perspective research.
6. If requested, the author provides evidence that the research has met the requirements of research ethics, including providing field notes or a research log book. The author responds adequately to comments or feedback after publication of the paper.
7. Do not engage in plagiarism or self-plagiarism, and salami publication is strictly prohibited in the Mirror Journal of Medicine.