
  • Pediatric
    Vol. 52 No. 2 (2025)

    Several pediatric health issues are the topic of this issue of Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, including neonatal mortality, which could have been partially prevented with good antenatal care. Other issues include encephalomyelitis and Down syndrome, conditions that require long-term attention, even for life.     The issue of lung disease also deserves attention, partly because of its potential manifestation in various diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, dengue fever and diabetes mellitus. This case report highlights several aspects related to alcohol use, a health problem that is certainly not expected to get bigger in the future.   Diabetes mellitus will also be discussed from several aspects, including its relation to tuberculosis comorbidity and diabetic foot problems. For colleagues interested in pharmacy, the article on quality standards in the digital era is expected to improve the quality of services as well as the level of public health.
  • Obstetry & Gynecology
    Vol. 52 No. 1 (2025)

    Several pediatric and maternal issues fill the topics of this issue of Cermin Dunia Kedokteran. The nutritional status of children remains a timely topic, given its potential lifelong effects; as does attention to the health status of mothers, especially during pregnancy. The risks associated with infections during pregnancy should be taken seriously given their potential lasting effects, especially on the baby; as should the use of certain medications, especially those required as long-term prophylaxis such as anti-epileptic drugs.     The MRI diagnostic method for cardiac abnormalities is interesting to note as a cutting-edge option, although it is not always feasible based on the availability of facilities. The discussion on 'smokeless tobacco' is also worth listening to given the increasing number of users, partly due to the perception that this method is 'safer' than smoking conventional tobacco.
  • General Medicine
    Vol. 51 No. 12 (2024)

    In this year's closing issue, Cermin Dunia Kedokteran presents various articles to maintain the knowledge of all colleagues so that they can continue to provide maximum health services.

    Accurate diagnostic capabilities will certainly help improve the quality of health services, especially for diseases that are relatively common; the results of research on the benefits of ultrasound for appendicitis diagnostics should be able to broaden diagnostic insights and management of the disease, as well as two articles on ophthalmology problems; intraocular foreign bodies are certainly not a foreign problem, especially for colleagues who work in the emergency department.

    The discussion of a new drug—tolvaptan—should be useful to increase therapeutic options, as should the discussion of post-stroke cognitive problems.

  • General Medicine
    Vol. 51 No. 11 (2024)

    In these times of rapid increase in the number of hospitals and intense competition, improving service quality is certainly a major concern. This edition of Mirror of Medicine publishes several articles and research results on aspects of health services, especially hospitals; it is hoped that it can add useful information for hospital management, factors that can be maximized to improve service quality, both in the Emergency Department, outpatient care, and the overall image of the hospital.

    For clinicians, several articles related to diet are expected to increase understanding of its various aspects, including the benefits of virgin coconut oil and the long-discussed Mediterranean diet. In terms of metabolic problems, several articles and two case reports on diabetes mellitus should increase understanding of its potential complexity, also in the pediatric population where it is relatively less discussed compared to adult problems.

  • Infection
    Vol. 51 No. 10 (2024)

    Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) atau penyakit tangan, kaki, dan mulut pernah menghebohkan dunia kesehatan di Indonesia, khususnya di kalangan anak-anak dan lingkungan sekolah; saat itu para orang tua sangat mengkhawatirkasn penularan penyakit ini. Bagaimana sebenarnya besarnya masalah penyakit ini?

    Masalah penyebaran, surveillance, dan upaya pencegahannya akan dibahas di Cermin Dunia Kedokteran edisi ini, sekaligus bagaimana upaya pencegahannya melalui imunisasi/vaksinasi; dengan memahami karakteristiknya, hendaknya masyarakat dan perangkat kesehatan dapat menanggulanginya secara efektif dan tidak perlu menimbulkan kekhawatiran yang berlebihan.

    Dua laporan kasus adalah mengenai pemanfaatan teknik diagnostik mutakhir untuk deteksi kelainan tubuh, hendaknya dapat dimanfaatkan secara tepat guna agar pelayanan kesehatan yang maksimal dapat tercapai.

    Artikel mengenai ChatGPT, teknologi baru yang potensial dan akan makin penting di masa depan, kiranya bisa dibaca sebagai pengantar agar sejawat tidak tertinggal informasi kemajuan teknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebesar-besarnya untuk perbaikan pelayanan kesehatan.

  • General Medicine
    Vol. 51 No. 9 (2024)

    Luka bakar, apalagi akibat kecelakaan di dapur, mungkin kedengaran janggal untuk para sejawat yang berpraktik di kota besar, tetapi kenyataannya masih merupakan kasus yang memerlukan perhatian di daerah-daerah yang masih menggunakan kompor dan kayu bakar untuk memasak; laporan penelitian di edisi ini mengingatkan kembali atas potensi bahaya ini.

    Demikian juga dengan kasus frambusia, penyakit yang akan kedengaran ‘aneh’ bagi sejawat di perkotaan, sebaliknya masih merupakan penyakit endemis di daerah-daerah tertentu; hendaknya bisa tetap memelihara kewaspadaan diagnostik sejawat sekalian. Dua masalah kardiologi yang berbeda dapat dibaca di rubrik laporan kasus, bahwa masalah kardiologi bisa merupakan komplikasi dari penyakit lain, yang kelihatannya tidak berhubungan dengan jantung.

  • Internal Medicine
    Vol. 51 No. 8 (2024)

    CDK edisi ini menerbitkan beberapa artikel yang membahas berbagai masalah infeksi, termasuk dua bahasan mengenai COVID-19, penyakit yang sangat menyita perhatian dan tenaga semua jajaran kesehatan, sekaligus mengingatkan kita akan pentingnya memelihara perilaku sehat setiap saat. Namun, kewaspadaan tehadap COVID-19 hendaknya tidak mengurangi perhatian terhadap penyakit infeksi dan penyakit paru lain, seperti yang dibahas di edisi ini.

    Beberapa artikel mengenai terapi obat juga hendaknya berguna sebagai penyegar bahwa penggunaan obat yang tidak tepat berisiko efek samping, seperti yang dibahas dalam dua laporan kasus edisi ini, dilengkapi dengan hasil tinjauan sistematik atas terapi pneumonia.

  • General Medicine
    Vol. 51 No. 7 (2024)

    Perhaps not many colleagues have encountered a case of rabies, a fatal disease for which there is still no causal therapy. One of the articles in this issue should remind all of us of the potential for this disease, especially in areas where there are many domestic animals.
    The maxillofacial trauma research report is expected to add to the epidemiologic data on trauma in Indonesia that still needs to be completed. It should increase the interest of colleagues to design similar studies; the completeness of disease data will greatly assist future health service planning.
    A case of pituitary hemorrhage associated with anticoagulant use is discussed in order to raise awareness of the potential side effects of therapy, although it should not cause excessive concern; benefit-risk considerations should always guide any medical action plan. Several articles on skin problems round out this issue, concluding with a piece on uterine transplantation.

  • Kardiologi
    Vol. 51 No. 6 (2024)

    This issue of Cermin Dunia Kedokteran is filled with several cardiology articles, including two case reports, some of which are from areas with limited facilities; they should be useful for colleagues working in locations far from referral centers. It is also important to realize that cardiology problems can also be related to systemic disorders such as thyroid function.

    Articles related to nutrition and nutritional issues among dancers can broaden horizons, as can nutrition in relation to stroke patient recovery. Management of health conditions should not solely rely on pharmaceuticals, but many other factors also contribute to the success of therapy.

  • General Medicine
    Vol. 51 No. 5 (2024)

    Several sexuality topics are covered in this issue; issues that are still relatively rarely discussed openly, perhaps even in medical circles. It is time for these issues to be discussed in a more straightforward manner in order to provide valid information and data that can be used for adequate counseling and management. Although not many (prospective) patients are yet able to openly discuss them, the medical community should be ready to provide quality counseling and services. The openness of the world of communication and information should improve the knowledge and quality of counseling for health services that are more equitable to all people, thereby reducing sexual health risks caused by public ignorance.

    Another problem that may be 'hidden' is hypertension in children, especially those who are obese, perhaps due to the notion that hypertension is an 'adult problem' and the specificity of how it is measured. Vigilance about this needs to be increased given its potential long-term complications in adulthood.

  • Ophtalmology
    Vol. 51 No. 4 (2024)

    Several articles on ophthalmology are included in this issue of CDK, including an epidemiological study conducted at a community health center; although still relatively descriptive, the results can be used as a basis for further more complete and comprehensive studies, which can be carried out at their respective workplaces in order to obtain a more complete picture of the disease concerned. Such data will be very useful for future management plans. The discussion on interstitial lung disease is expected to refresh the knowledge of colleagues, especially those working in the first line of health services for better detection and management.

  • Neurology
    Vol. 51 No. 3 (2024)

    Low back pain is a complaint that has a lot to do with daily habits or body positioning and, as reported in one of the articles in this issue, should be addressed to prevent further morbidity. Brainstem hemorrhage is an important topic of discussion as it is still difficult to treat, as is craniopharyngioma; however, this should not detract from efforts to maximize its management.

    Case reports of snake bites are interesting, even though they are rare, especially in big cities. Also of interest is the discussion on the benefits of influenza vaccination, something that the medical community should start paying attention to, especially its benefits among the elderly and comorbid patients.

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