Sindrom Rapunzel – Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana


  • Putu Stephanie Apriliana Hardika Klinik Artha Medika, Badung, Bali, Indonesia



trichobezoar, sindrom rapunzel


Sindrom Rapunzel merupakan kondisi medis terdapatnya massa (gumpalan) rambut yang terperangkap di gaster atau sampai menuju usus halus. Gangguan psikiatri trikotilomania dan trikofagia menjadi faktor predisposisi gastric trichobezoar. Kondisi ini dominan ditemukan pada remaja perempuan. Manifestasi klinis biasanya non-spesifik berupa nyeri abdomen, mual, dan muntah. Endoskopi menjadi baku emas diagnosis. Metode endoskopi dan open surgery merupakan pilihan modalitas pengangkatan massa (trichobezoar). Pendekatan multidisiplin evaluasi psikiatri berkala sangat perlu guna mencegah berulang.   Rapunzel Syndrome is a medical condition of solid mass (accumulation) of hair in stomach and may extend to small intestine. Psychiatric disorders, such as trichotillomania and trichophagia, are two predisposition factors for gastric trichobezoar. This condition is predominantly found in young female. Clinical manifestation is usually non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms, like abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Endoscopic examination is the gold standard for diagnosis. The main management is removal by endoscopy or open surgery. Multidiscipline approach including regular follow up and psychiatric evaluation is required to prevent its recurrence.



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How to Cite

Apriliana Hardika, P. S. (2021). Sindrom Rapunzel – Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 48(9), 343–345.


