Sistem Skoring Foto X-Ray Toraks untuk Menentukan Tingkat Keparahan Pneumonia COVID-19
Brixia score, COVID-19, lung zone severity Zone, simplified RALE score, X-rayAbstract
CT (computerized tomography) scan memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas paling baik dalam penegakan diagnosis ataupun prognosis pasien COVID-19. Namun, ketersediaan CT scan masih terbatas di Indonesia; foto x-ray toraks masih merupakan pilihan utama karena ketersediaannya yang lebih mudah serta hasil yang cepat. Beberapa sistem skoring menggunakan foto x-ray toraks mulai banyak diteliti dan dikembangkan, di antaranya Brixia score, simplified RALE score, dan lung zone severity score. Sistem skoring yang saat ini sedang berkembang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan prognosis pasien pneumonia COVID-19.
Computed tomography (CT) provides the best sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis and prognosis of COVID-19. Nevertheless, the availability of CT scans is still limited; conventional chest X-ray is still the main choice in defining the severity and prognosis of COVID-19 disease. For this purpose, several chest X-rays scoring systems have been developed, including the Brixia score, simplified RALE score, and lung zone severity score. These chest X-ray scoring systems can be used to determine the prognosis of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.
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