Tinjauan atas Murine Typhus
Murine typhus, tifus, endemik, Rickettsia typhiAbstract
Murine typhus (tifus endemik) merupakan penyakit demam yang disebabkan Rickettsia typhi. Vektor utama adalah kutu tikus Xenopsylla cheopis. Murine typhus sulit didiagnosis karena gejala klinis tidak spesifik berupa trias gejala utama: demam, nyeri kepala, dan ruam kulit kemerahan (rash), serta gejala lain seperti menggigil, mialgia, dan malaise. Diagnosis definitif berdasarkan hasil tes darah dengan IFA (immunofluorescence assay). Terapi harus dimulai tanpa menunggu konfirmasi diagnosis laboratorium. Doksisiklin merupakan obat pilihan (drug of choice). Cara terbaik pencegahan adalah meminimalkan pajanan vektor dengan membatasi kontak hewan pengerat dan kutu, menjaga kebersihan diri, menurunkan populasi hewan pengerat dengan peptisida.
Murine typhus is a disease caused by Rickettsia typhii. The main vector of murine typhus is rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis). Diagnosis is difficult because clinical features triad symptoms are not specific, such as fever, headache, and rash. Chills, myalgia, and malaise can also be found. Definitive diagnosis is based on IFA (immunofluorescence assay). Treatment should be started immediately. Doxycycline is the drug of choice. The best prevention is to minimalize contact with rodents and flea, improve self-hygiene, and pesticide use to decrease rodent population.
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