Diagnosis dan Tata Laksana Ulkus Mooren
Crescent, ulkus kornea, ulkus MoorenAbstract
Ulkus Mooren merupakan ulkus kornea perifer berbentuk crescent yang jarang ditemukan dengan nyeri intens, progresif, kronis, dan bersifat idiopatik. Manifestasi klinis berupa nyeri mata intens, fotofobia, mata merah dan berair. Pada pemeriksaan ditemukan ulkus perifer superfisial, menyebar progresif sikumferensial dan sentripetal. Terapi awal berupa corticosteroid topikal setiap jam. Tata laksana lain berupa eksisi limbus konjungtiva, keratoplasti tektonik lamellar, terapi adjuvan lokal, dan imunosupresan sistemik. Prognosis pasien ulkus Mooren tergantung beberapa faktor, antara lain: usia pasien, lateralisasi (unilateral/bilateral), derajat dan luasnya ulkus, serta kepatuhan berobat dan kontrol.
Mooren’s ulcer is a rare, painful, progressive, and chronic disease, characterized with idiopathic crescent-shaped peripheral corneal ulcer. Clinical manifestations include intense eye pain, photophobia, red and watery eyes with superficial peripheral ulcers, progressively spread circumferentially and centripetally. The initial therapy is topical corticosteroids, given hourly. Other treatments include limbus conjunctival excision, lamellar tectonic keratoplasty, local adjuvant therapy, and systemic immunosuppressant. Prognosis of Mooren’s ulcer depends on several factors, including patient’s age, lateralization (unilateral/bilateral), degree and extent of the ulcer, and patient’s compliance.
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