Diagnosis, Tatalaksana, dan Pencegahan Hepatitis B dalam Kehamilan
Diagnosis, Hepatitis B, kehamilan, penatalaksanaan, pencegahanAbstract
Hepatitis adalah radang sel-sel hati, biasanya disebabkan infeksi (virus, bakteri, parasit), obat-obatan (termasuk obat tradisional), konsumsi alkohol, lemak berlebih, dan penyakit autoimun. Salah satu virus penyebab hepatitis adalah virus hepatitis B. Diagnosis berdasarkan klinis dan laboratorium pada trimester pertama kehamilan untuk terapi dan menghindari transmisi virus dari ibu ke janin. Tinjauan ini membahas diagnosis serta penanganan hepatitis B dalam kehamilan dan pencegahan transmisi hepatitis B dari ibu ke janin.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver cells, can be caused by infection (viruses, bacteria, parasites), drugs (including traditional medicine), alcohol consumption, excessive fat, and autoimmune diseases. Diagnosis is based on clinical and laboratory results in the first trimester to avoid virus transmission from mother to fetus. This review discusses the diagnosis, as well as the treatment of hepatitis B in pregnancy and also the prevention of transmission of hepatitis B from mother to fetus.
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