Konsep Patofisiologi Motilitas Gastrointestinal
Gangguan motilitas gastrointestinal, patofisiologi, Gastrointestinal motility disorders, pathophysiologyAbstract
Sistem gastrointestinal (GI) mempunyai fungsi sebagai tempat persediaan air, elektrolit, dan kimus. Fungsi sistem GI yaitu motilitas usus seperti mixing, propulsion, dan separation. Motilitas usus secara fisiologis mendapat sinyal dari beberapa agen regulator eksitatorik dan inhibitorik. Gangguan motilitas GI dapat dibagi menjadi obstruksi mekanik (dinamik) dan ileus paralitik (adinamik), selain itu juga ada pengaruh medikamentosa terhadap motilitas GI.
Gastrointestinal system (GI) has a role as kept place of water, electrolyte, and chymus. GI motility has various functions, such as mixing, propulsion, and separation function. GI motility is regulated by signals from excitatory agents and inhibitory agents. GI motility disorders can be divided into mechanical (dynamic) obstruction and paralytic ileus (adynamic); some pharmacological agents also can affect GI motility.
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Maniselvi S, Gayathre SP. Etiology and outcome of intestinal obstruction: An institutional prospective study. Int Surg J. 2018;5:1341-4.
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