Perkembangan Terapi Kanker Prostat


  • Hastarita Lawrenti Departemen Medical PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk., Jakarta, Indonesia



Kanker prostat, terapi


Kanker prostat termasuk keganasan yang paling sering dijumpai pada pria. Five-year survival rate untuk kanker prostat sangat tinggi. Sekitar 25-33% kanker prostat lokal yang diterapi dengan pembedahan dan radioterapi akan rekuren. Kanker prostat stadium lanjut dikategorikan menjadi non-metastatik, metastatik, dan kanker prostat resisten kastrasi. Terapi penurunan hormon androgen dan kemoterapi masih penting untuk kanker prostat stadium lanjut. Enzalutamide dan terapi terkait penurunan androgen, penghambat CYP17 abiraterone, memperbaiki radiographic progression free survival (rPFS) dan menunda saat dimulainya kemoterapi.

Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men. The overall 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer is very high. Approximately 25-33% of the patients with localized prostate cancer treated with surgery and radiotherapy will experience recurrence. Advanced prostate cancer is categorized into non-metastatic, metastatic, and castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and chemotherapy remain important for advanced prostate cancer. One of the ADTs, enzalutamide and treatment are related to androgen reduction, CYP17 inhibitor abiraterone, improve rPFS and delay time to initiation of chemotherapy.


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How to Cite

Lawrenti, H. (2019). Perkembangan Terapi Kanker Prostat. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 46(8), 521–528.


