Clindamycin 0.025% and Tretinoin 0.005% Cream for Infantile Acne Vulgaris


  • Gabriela Reginata Dermatovenereology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sukmawati Tansil Tan Dermatovenereology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Listyani Gunawan Dermatovenereology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia



Infantile acne vulgaris


Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit marked by the presence of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. A boy aged 4 years old was reported of having red spots on his cheeks since the age of 1 month old. Erythematous papules and pustules with white heads were found in the facial area. Infantile acne diagnosis was considered. Combination of clindamycin 0.025% and tretinoin 0.005% cream was given to accelerate healing process and to prevent complications such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The patient’s condition was considerably better after 1 month.

Acne vulgaris merupakan inflamasi kelenjar pilosebasea yang ditandai dengan komedon, papula, pustula, nodula, dan kista. Dilaporkan kasus anak laki-laki usia 4 tahun mempunyai bintik kemerahan di pipi sejak usia 1 bulan. Dijumpai papula dan pustula eritematous dengan white heads di wajah, didiagnosis sebagai infantile acne. Diberikan krim kombinasi clindamycin 0,025% and tretinoin 0,005% untuk terapi dan mencegah komplikasi hiperpigmentasi. Keadaan pasien lebih baik setelah terapi 1 bulan.


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How to Cite

Reginata, G., Tan, S. T., & Gunawan, L. (2019). Clindamycin 0.025% and Tretinoin 0.005% Cream for Infantile Acne Vulgaris. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 46(4), 283–285.