Modalitas Pencitraan Terbaik untuk Kolik Renal
Batu ginjal, kolik renal, pencitraanAbstract
Kolik renal umum dijumpai di Unit Gawat Darurat (UGD). Diagnosis klinis memerlukan konfirmasi modalitas pencitraan. Computed tomography (CT-scan) dianggap sebagai modalitas terbaik karena dapat mendeteksi batu ginjal dengan akurasi sangat baik. Namun, ultrasonografi (USG) harus dianggap sebagai teknik pencitraan utama karena cukup akurat mendiagnosis batu saluran kemih dengan biaya relatif tidak mahal dan bebas radiasi. Modalitas pencitraan lain seperti foto polos, intravenous pyelography (IVP), dan magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) juga dapat menjadi pilihan.
Renal colic is a common condition in Emergency Unit (ER). Imaging modalities helps to confirm the diagnosis and decide the therapy. CT scan is considered as the best modality because of its accuracy. However, ultrasound must be considered as the primary imaging technique because of its accuracy, relatively inexpensive, and radiation-free. Other imaging modalities such as plain radiographs, intravenous pyelography (IVP), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can also be alternatives with their own advantages and disadvantages
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