Hypnosis for Pain Alleviation: Placebo or Nocebo?


  • Dias Rima Sutiono Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Jeremy Putra Gunawan Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Astrella Devina Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Wibi Sindjaja Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Jesslyn Pavita Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), Jakarta, Indonesia




Hypnosis, procedural pain


The use of hypnosis to alleviate pain had started to gain recognition. In the assessed papers, application of hypnosis has included childbirth, surgeries, and chronic pain. In childbirth, the use of self-hypnosis can reduce the use of analgesics from 78% to 45% of cases. The satisfaction of hypnobirthing—birth using hypnosis—reaches 96%. Hypnosis can decrease the use of anesthesia drugs during surgery, promotes healing, decreases bleeding and hospital stay. Hypnosis can alleviate pain and reduce the use of over the counter painkillers; also showed benefits for non-cardiac chest pain relief while also reduces medication. Currently, hypnosis had been the most prominent application for labour pain relief. There is a demand for more studies of bioinformatics and neuroscience.

Banyak pustaka menjelaskan penerapan hypnosis pada proses melahirkan, operasi, dan nyeri kronis. Pada proses melahirkan, self-hypnosis dapat mengurangi penggunaan analgesic dari 78% menjadi 45% kasus. Kepuasan hypnobirthing – kelahiran menggunakan hypnosis - mencapai 96%. Hipnosis dapat mengurangi penggunaan obat anestesi, mempromosikan penyembuhan, mengurangi perdarahan dan lama rawat di rumahsakit pascaoperasi. Hipnosis bisa mengurangi penggunaan obat penghilang nyeri; juga menunjukkan manfaat untuk penderita nyeri dada non-jantung selain mengurangi konsumsi obat. Saat ini, aplikasi hipnosis yang paling menonjol untuk nyeri persalinan. Diperlukan studi bioinformatika dan neuroscience lebih lanjut.


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How to Cite

Sutiono, D. R., Gunawan, J. P., Devina, A., Sindjaja, W., & Pavita, J. (2019). Hypnosis for Pain Alleviation: Placebo or Nocebo?. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 46(2), 142–145. https://doi.org/10.55175/cdk.v46i2.514


