Efek Tetes Mata Kombinasi Sodium Hialuronat dan Hydroxypropyl-Guar terhadap Stabilitas Lapisan Air Mata pada Mata Kering Terkait Sindrom Sjögren
Hydroxypropyl (HP)-guar, NIKBUT, mata kering, sindrom Sjögren, sodium hialuronatAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai stabilitas lapisan air mata pada mata kering terkait sindrom Sjögren (SS) yang diberi terapi tetes mata kombinasi sodium hialuronat 0,1% (SH) dan hydroxypropyl (HP)-guar, atau monoterapi tetes mata sodium hialuronat (SH). Sebanyak 17 pasien SS dibagi dalam 2 kelompok. Kelompok pertama mendapat kombinasi SH dan HP-guar, kelompok kedua mendapat terapi SH. NIKBUT, Schirmer, skor pewarnaan okular, dan sitologi impresi, serta keluhan subjektif dinilai sebelum dan sesudah pemberian obat. Setelah terapi selama 28 hari, terdapat peningkatan median NIKBUT, Schirmer, skor pewarnaan okular, densitas sel Goblet, dan perbaikan keluhan subjektif pada mata kering terkait SS.
The objectives of the study is to assess the stability of dry eye LAM associated with Sjögren syndrome (SS) during combination therapy of sodium hyaluronate 0.1% (SH) and hydroxypropyl (HP) -guar, or monotherapy sodium hyaluronic (SH). A total of 17 SS patients in this study were divided into 2 groups. The first group received a combination of SH and HP-guar while the second group received SH therapy. NIKBUT, Schirmer, ocular staining score, and impression cytology, as well as subjective complaints was assessed before and after drug administration. After 28 days of therapy, there was a median increase in NIKBUT, Schirmer, ocular staining scores, Goblet cell density, and subjective complaints on SS-related dry eyes.
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