Faktor-faktor Prognostik Bangkitan Neonatus
Bangkitan neonatus, faktor prognosisAbstract
Bangkitan neonatus (neonatal seizures) sangat berhubungan dengan mortalitas dan morbiditas di ruang perawatan perinatologi. Mekanisme penting bangkitan neonatus antara lain: peningkatan eksitabilitas, penurunan efektivitas inhibisi neurotransmiter pada otak imatur, konfigurasi kanal ion, dan peranan neuropeptida. Penyebabnya merupakan faktor utama prognosis. Berat badan lahir, skor APGAR, pemeriksaan neurologis saat bangkitan, ultrasonografi (USG) otak, terapi antikonvulsan, dan adanya status epileptikus juga mempengaruhi prognosis.
Neonatal seizures were strongly associated with perinatal mortality and morbidity. Mechanisms of neonatal seizures include increased neonatal excitability, reduced effectiveness of neurotransmitter inhibition in immature brain, ion channel configuration, and role of neuropeptides. The etiology was a major factor in prognosis. Besides birth weight, APGAR score, neurological examination during seizures, brain ultrasonography (USG), anticonvulsant therapy, and the presence of status epilepticus affect the prognosis.
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