Karakteristik Pasien Gagal Jantung di RS BUMN di Kota Malang
Gagal jantung, registriAbstract
Penelitian ini merupakan studi observatif deskriptif dengan purposive sampling sejak Februari 2017 hingga Oktober 2017 di RS BUMN di Kota Malang. Data diperoleh dari wawancara, pemeriksaan klinis, dan pemeriksaan penunjang pada pasien IGD RS dengan diagnosis gagal jantung oleh dokter spesialis jantung. Jumlah responden sebanyak 33 orang. Hasil: Dari 33 pasien, 19 (57,6%) pria. Kelompok usia terbanyak adalah <60 tahun (17 pasien - 51,5%). Sumber pembiayaan terutama asuransi pemerintah (BPJS) (27 pasien - 82%). Sejumlah 24 pasien (72,7%) memiliki riwayat penyakit jantung, 14 pasien (42,4%) memiliki riwayat merokok, 7 pasien (21,2%) memiliki riwayat konsumsi alkohol, 10 pasien (30,3%) memiliki riwayat diabetes melitus, dan 20 pasien (60,6%) memiliki riwayat rawat inap akibat gagal jantung. Rehospitalisasi terutama selama <6 bulan (10 pasien - 30,3%). Penyebab terbanyak adalah kardiomiopati terdilatasi (13 pasien - 39,4%). Sebanyak 15 pasien (45,4%) datang dengan NYHA III dan gejala fisik terutama edema perifer (22 pasien - 66,7%). Kardiomegali pada x-ray dada didapat pada 31 pasien (93,9%), irama sinus pada elektrokardiogram pada 28 pasien (84,9%). Pada ekokardiografi, 17 pasien (51,5%) memiliki ejeksi fraksi ≥40%. Simpulan: Sebagian besar responden pria, berusia <60 tahun, dan kardiomiopati terdilatasi merupakan penyebab paling banyak gagal jantung.
A descriptive observational study with purposive sampling was done at BUMN hospital in Malang city. Data were collected from interview, clinical examination, and diagnostics on 33 patients diagnosed as heart failure in ER by cardiologist from February 2017 to October 2017. Results: Of all 33 patients recorded, 19 (57.6%) were men, dominant age group was <60 years old (17/33 - 51.5%). The largest source of funding is government insurance (BPJS) (27/33 - 82%). Previous heart disease found in 24/33 patients (72.7%), 14/33 patients (42.4%) had smoking history, 7/33 patients (21.2%) had history of alcohol consumption, 10/33 patients (30.3%) had diabetes mellitus, and 20/33 patients (60.6%) had family history of heart failure. Rehospitalization within <6 months was in 10/33 patients (30,3%). The most common cause of heart failure was dilated cardiomyopathy (13/33 - 39.4%); 15/33 (45.4%) came with NYHA III. Most patients had peripheral edema (22/33 - 66.7%). Cardiomegaly findings in chest x-ray was in 31/33 patients (93.9%) and 28/33 patients (84.9%) had sinus rhythm in electrocardiogram. On echocardiography, 17/33 (51.5%) had an ejection fraction of ≥40%. Conclusion: The majority of respondents were male, less than 60 years old, and dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common cause of heart failure
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