Peran Ultrasonografi pada Tamponade Jantung Akut Akibat Trauma Tumpul Dada
POCUS, tamponade jantung akut, trauma tumpul dadaAbstract
Pendahuluan: Tamponade jantung akut adalah kondisi mengancam nyawa. Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) merupakan salah satu modalitas pencitraan yang dinilai sensitif dan spesifik untuk membantu diagnosis. Kasus: Laki–laki, usia 29 tahun, pasca-trauma tumpul dada disertai peningkatan tekanan vena jugular, suara jantung menjauh tanpa hipotensi. Pada pemeriksaan POCUS didapatkan tanda sonografi tamponade. Pasien didiagnosis tamponade jantung akut. Hemodinamik membaik pasca-percutaneous pericardiocentesis ultrasound guiding di trauma bay. Diskusi: Modalitas bedside, seperti ultrasonografi diperlukan untuk menunjang diagnosis dan tata laksana tamponade jantung akut.
Introduction: Acute cardiac tamponade is a life-threatening condition. Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) is one of the imaging modalities considered sensitive and specific for diagnosis. Case: Male, 29 years old, post blunt chest trauma with increased jugular vein pressure, distant heart sounds without hypotension. On POCUS examination, sonographic tamponade was found. The patient was diagnosed with acute cardiac tamponade. Hemodynamics improved after percutaneous ultrasound guiding pericardiocentesis in the trauma bay. Discussion: Bedside modalities, such as ultrasonography are needed to support the diagnosis and management of acute cardiac tamponade.
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