Heat-not-burn tobacco (HnBT): The Issue of Cigarette Product Substitutes and Their Health Impacts
Heat not burn tobacco, smoking, nicotine, tobacco product substitute, tobacoAbstract
The health risks caused by cigarette smoking have led companies to develop and advertise alternative nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes and “heat-not-burn” (HnB) without burning tobacco. United States Federal Drug Administration (US FDA) approved the product I Quit Ordinary Smoking (IQOS) for commercial purposes in the United States. HnB tobacco products heats tobacco (up to 350°C) to produce nicotine aerosol that is inhaled without burning it at a much higher temperature (800°C). Reports show that 37% HnB users experienced at least one symptom, the most was sore throat (25.1%) followed by eye discomfort (22.3%). The notion that HnB tobacco product is an alternative to reduce the impact of conventional cigarettes is not entirely true. HnB tobacco can still have negative health impacts.
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