Angina Prinzmetal - Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana
tatalaksana, pendekatan diagnosis, Angina PrinzmetalAbstract
Angina Prinzmetal merupakan sindrom klinis yang dicirikan dengan nyeri dada saat istirahat disertai perubahan elektrokardiogram sementara. Insidens lebih tinggi pada populasi Asia dengan rentang usia di atas 50 tahun. Merokok dan penggunaan obat-obatan tertentu dapat meningkatkan risiko angina Prinzmetal. Penyakit ini jarang terdiagnosis sehingga tatalaksananya belum optimal. Diagnosis berdasarkan kriteria Coronary Vasomotion Disorders International Study Group dan pemeriksaan penunjang seperti elektrokardiografi, uji provokatif, atau pencitraan intrakoroner. Tatalaksana mencakup perubahan gaya hidup, terapi farmaka, atau intervensi koroner perkutan. Prognosis mengacu pada hasil skor risiko Japanese Coronary Spasm Association, umumnya baik.
Prinzmetal’s angina is a clinical syndrome in which angina occurs at rest with transient electrocardiogram changes. The incidence is higher in the Asian population with age ranges above 50 years. Smoking and use of certain drugs can increase the risk of Prinzmetal’s angina. This disease is underdiagnosed so that the treatment is not optimal. Diagnosis is made based on the Coronary Vasomotion Disorders International Study Group Criteria and workups examinations such as electrocardiography, provocative test, or intracoronary imaging. The management includes lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapy, or percutaneous coronary intervention. Prognosis refers to the Japanese Coronary Spasm Association risk score, is generally good.
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