Asymptomatic Unilateral Duplex Collecting System with Complete Duplication of Ureters in Right Kidney: A Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Scan Findings

Case Report


  • Luh Made Deasy Dwitayanti General Practitioner, Kasih Ibu Hospital Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  • Putu Aditha Satya Putra Radiologist, Radiology Division, Kasih Ibu Hospital Kedonganan, Bali, Indonesia
  • Kadek Budi Santosa Urologist, Urology Division, Kasih Ibu Hospital Kedonganan, Bali, Indonesia



CT scan, duplex collecting system, ureteral duplication


Introduction: Most people with ureteral duplications never experience any symptoms, so the condition goes unreported despite being one of the most prevalent kidney anomalies. Case: A 31-year-old female visited our medical facility for a routine checkup. Kidney function and complete urine analysis were normal. Ultrasonography revealed what appears to be a duplex collecting system in the right kidney, with two distinct noncommunicating renal pelvices. A 3D computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen with contrast revealed a duplex collecting system in the right kidney. Conclusion: Radiologists play a crucial role in detecting these abnormalities.


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How to Cite

Dwitayanti, L. M. D., Putra, P. A. S., & Santosa, K. B. (2024). Asymptomatic Unilateral Duplex Collecting System with Complete Duplication of Ureters in Right Kidney: A Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Scan Findings: Case Report. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 51(10), 574–576.


