Teknik Histerosalpingografi
https://doi.org/10.55175/cdk.v50i5.895Kata Kunci:
Histerosalpingografi, tuba falopi, uterusAbstrak
Kelainan uterus dan tuba Falopi merupakan penyebab utama infertilitas. Patologi uterus dan tuba dapat berupa malformasi kongenital atau yang didapat. Beberapa metode pencitraan seperti laparoskopi, fluoroskopi, sonografi infus salin, dan histerosalpingografi (HSG) telah digunakan untuk menilai patologi uterus dan tuba. Meskipun laparoskopi adalah modalitas pilihan untuk menyelidiki patensi tuba dan struktur panggul, HSG merupakan metode diagnostik awal infertilitas karena kemudahan, akurasi, dan risiko komplikasi. Tinjauan ini mengilustrasikan beberapa fitur radiografi kelainan struktur pada uterus dan tuba Falopi.
Abnormalities of the uterus and fallopian tubes are major causes of infertility. Uterine and tubal pathology may be congenital or acquired malformations. Several imaging methods such as laparoscopy, fluoroscopy, infusion saline sonography, and hysterosalpingography (HSG) have been used in the assessment of uterine and tubal pathology. Although laparoscopy is the modality of choice for investigating tubal patency and pelvic structures, HSG is the initial diagnostic method for infertility screening because of its ease of performance, accuracy, and risk of complications that benefit from the size, contour, and surface anatomy of the uterus and fallopian tubes. This review illustrates some of the radiographic features of abnormalities of the uterus and fallopian tubes
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