Vol. 51 No. 3 (2024): Neurology
Low back pain is a complaint that has a lot to do with daily habits or body positioning and, as reported in one of the articles in this issue, should be addressed to prevent further morbidity. Brainstem hemorrhage is an important topic of discussion as it is still difficult to treat, as is craniopharyngioma; however, this should not detract from efforts to maximize its management.
Case reports of snake bites are interesting, even though they are rare, especially in big cities. Also of interest is the discussion on the benefits of influenza vaccination, something that the medical community should start paying attention to, especially its benefits among the elderly and comorbid patients.
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah Supir Bus DAMRI
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- Abstract Views: 501
File Views: 545
Diagnosis dan Tata Laksana Perdarahan Batang Otak Primer
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- Abstract Views: 452
File Views: 954
Tata Laksana Kraniofaringioma Anak
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- Abstract Views: 248
File Views: 259
Diagnosis dan Tata Laksana Dispepsia
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- Abstract Views: 8753
File Views: 11530
Kardiomiopati Peripartum sebagai Penyebab Stroke pada Usia Muda
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- Abstract Views: 280
File Views: 355
Dampak Merokok terhadap Kesehatan Lingkungan: Sebuah Tinjauan Naratif
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- Abstract Views: 690
File Views: 3397
Potensi Citicoline sebagai Terapi Neuroproteksi dan Neuroregenerasi pada Stroke Iskemik Akut
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- Abstract Views: 652
File Views: 1677
Peran Citicoline Oral Sebagai Terapi Tambahan dalam Pengobatan Glaukoma
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- Abstract Views: 424
File Views: 390
Manfaat Vaksinasi Influenza bagi Pasien Diabetes Melitus
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- Abstract Views: 316
File Views: 393