Meningitis Tuberkulosis Pada Anak


  • Nadya Gratia Juliawan RSUD Kabupaten Buleleng
  • Ida Ayu Putu Purnamawati RSUD Kabupaten Buleleng



Children, tuberculous meningitis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis


Tuberculous meningitis is extrapulmonary tuberculosis with a very high morbidity and mortality rate, especially in paediatric population. Clinicians should be able to recognize tuberculous meningitis as early as possible to provide appropriate management to reduce disabilities and death


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How to Cite

Juliawan, N. G., & Ida Ayu Putu Purnamawati. (2023). Meningitis Tuberkulosis Pada Anak. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 50(10), 544–548.