Peran Antitrombin III sebagai Penanda Sepsis pada Anak


  • Indah Nur Lestari Dokter Spesialis Anak
  • Chairul Yoel
  • Munar Lubis
  • Rina Amalia C Saragih
  • Gema Nazri Yanni
  • Yunnie Trisnawati
  • Aridamuriany D Lubis
  • Badai Buana Nasution



Children, randomized algorithm, sepsis


Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by dysregulation of the immune response to infection. Antithrombin III is a single plasma bound glycoprotein and include a class of serine protease (serpine) inhibitors; its synthesis in the liver decreases during sepsis.


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How to Cite

Nur Lestari, I., Yoel, C., Lubis, M., Amalia C Saragih, R., Nazri Yanni, G., Trisnawati, Y., D Lubis, A., & Buana Nasution, B. (2023). Peran Antitrombin III sebagai Penanda Sepsis pada Anak. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 50(11), 637–640.


